Our movement to defeat Anti-Voting Republicans and pass Voting Reform is stronger than ever. We've raised over $200 million to fight voter suppression and help get folks out to the polls AND we raised $8 million directly for our endorsed Democrats. We are the largest democracy-focused organization in the country. And now, our work is more critical than ever!
Should we keep your End Citizens United membership active?
[Before you go:] We are immensely proud of the work we did to protect Voting Rights and expand our Senate Majority. But now, we are gravely concerned about the lengths the GOP will go to ruin us. They tried to throw out ballots. They are STILL throwing lies around about the Election. And now they're gearing up to elect Trump again in 2024!
So we’re not resting a minute – we hope you understand this! We’re coming up to our FIRST deadline of the year and we are just $12,392 behind pace.
If every single person completing this survey donated just $3, we would easily reach our goal. Can you give $3 to protect voting rights?