[Confirm] Who is your top choice for President in 2024?
Who did you vote for in the 2020 Election?
Who did you vote for in the 2016 Election?
Who did you vote for in the 2012 Election?
Who did you vote for in the 2008 Election?
Would you consider yourself a Democrat?
Are you worried about Republican Voter Suppression across the country?
Are you committed to doing anything to STOP Donald Trump and his minion-Republicans from taking control of our government again?
We’re doing everything we can to rid the House and Senate of Trump puppets by electing Democratic Reformers this November. But Republicans are DOUBLING DOWN and raising MILLIONS in Dark Money to CRUSH our majorities.

We need to raise an additional $14,632 before midnight to keep pace.

Will you please do your part by chipping in at least $3 to fully fund our ads in key states to elect Voting Rights CHAMPIONS?